Detergents deodorizers

2 companies | 3 products
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detergent deodorizer
detergent deodorizer

Many organic materials generate foul odours in their natural oxidation and decay process. The system normally used in these cases is to use perfumes or similar substances to cover up odours. ODORLESS, on the other hand, uses innocuous, ...

See the other products
biological detergent deodorizer
biological detergent deodorizer

... -organisms which produces enzymes and surfactants allows the formula to provide exceptional results. It can be used as a detergent on all washable surfaces as the elements favour dissolution of uric acid crystals without ...

See the other products
cleaning detergent deodorizer
cleaning detergent deodorizer

... fragrance Harmless to most surfaces Fast-acting Residue should not cause slippery surfaces Neutral pH Long-lasting deodorizer leaves a light scent. Low flow for use in filling bottles. Application Anywhere ...

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