Diaphragm vacuum regulators

4 companies | 6 products
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diaphragm vacuum regulator
diaphragm vacuum regulator
110 series

Vacuum range: 1 mbar - 800 mbar

These devices control the level of vacuum, maintaining it constant at the pre-set value (secondary vacuum), regardless of the network's flow rate and the fluctuations in vacuum ...

diaphragm vacuum regulator
diaphragm vacuum regulator

Vacuum range: 1 mbar - 980 mbar

Regulators for rough vacuum levels The regulators described in this page are based on the same operation principle as the ones described in the previous page and have the same function. ...

diaphragm vacuum regulator
diaphragm vacuum regulator

Vacuum range: 1 mbar - 980 mbar

... higher the vacuum level and vice versa. Vacuum regulators are used to adjust the pre-set vacuum level and keep it constant (secondary vacuum), regardless ...

diaphragm vacuum regulator
diaphragm vacuum regulator

The VRD-ANB-CD vacuum regulator is constructed to control the output vacuum from ) psig to its full vacuum. It is especially helpful in minimizing the ...

diaphragm vacuum regulator
diaphragm vacuum regulator

Vacuum pumps are used to autonomously generate a vacuum value in order to be able to check and calibrate vacuum gauges. The pumps are suitable for use in labs to generate vacuum ...

diaphragm vacuum regulator
diaphragm vacuum regulator

Vacuum range: 2 mbar

Y696VR Series vacuum regulators are used where a decrease in vacuum must be limited, such as between a tank and vacuum source to control vacuum ...

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