Dismantling induction heaters

3 companies | 3 products
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{{#each product.featureValues}} {{content}} {{/each}}
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{{/each}} {{/pushedProductsPlacement5.length}}
metal sheet induction heater
metal sheet induction heater

Power: 11,000 W
Frequency: 15 kHz - 50 kHz

Induction heating systems for industry Teknel induction heaters are the best solution for your industry. With a power that goes from 10 to 200kW and a custom design ...

bearing induction heater
bearing induction heater
EAZ series

Power: 0 W
Frequency: 60, 50 Hz

The fixed size EAZ induction heaters are designed to safely and easily dismount cylindrical roller bearing inner rings, which are often mounted with a very tight interference fit. Heating ...

230 V induction heating system
230 V induction heating system

Power: 0 W - 3,700 W

The POWERDUCTION 39LG induction heater provides immediate heating power for degreasing and heating steel and aluminium. Thanks to its liquid cooling, it can heat metal ...

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