Drive wheels

2 companies | 4 products
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drive wheel
drive wheel

The RUD reversion wheels type A, B or C are used as a deflection for chains in conveyor systems. The version of guide wheels is choosen acc. to the used drive wheel ...

chain wheel
chain wheel

... of the chain wheel for bucket elevator • For drive (hardened bearing ring segments) • For deflection (unhardened bearing ring segments) • Especially suitable for RUD systems RUca, 2win and SWA Special ...

drive wheel
drive wheel

Diameter: 65 mm - 1,300 mm

The RUD drive wheel for central chains is not toothed. The running treads are made of CR-Mo steel and the running surface is inductively hardened. Application areas of RUD drive wheels ...

drive wheel
drive wheel

Consisting of three wheels each one equipped with a hydraulic cylinder, mounted on the lateral sides of the machine. The wheels are lifted hydraulically. The machine then can be pushed in whatever direction ...

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