E12 filters

4 companies | 5 products
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air filter
air filter
109 0454

Original storage filter as filter cassette with 13 m² filter surface for the SmartMaster extraction unit. The filter class is E12 with ...

dust filter
dust filter

Original storage filter as filter cassette with 13 m² filter surface for the SmartMaster extraction unit. The filter class is E12 with ...

HEPA filter
HEPA filter

HEPA Filters E10, E11, E12, H13, H14, U15, U16 and U17 For applications in clean rooms for research, medicine, pharmacy, electrical engineering or microtechnology ...

air filter
air filter

Operating pressure: 170 Pa - 280 Pa
Flow: 1,700 m³/h - 2,500 m³/h
Fluid temperature: 80 °C

Description Plastic frame Glass microfibre filter media Hot melt separators Benefits Fully incinerable High air flow rate Applications Final stage of filtration, industrial processes

air filter
air filter

Operating pressure: 250, 280 Pa
Flow: 1,000 m³/h - 5,000 m³/h

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