EDI electrodeionization plants

3 companies | 3 products
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EDI electrodeionization plant
EDI electrodeionization plant

... ). Principe EDI - Electrodeionization removes residual salts and ionizable aqueous species such as sodium, chlorides, carbon dioxide, silica, ammonia or boron. The result is ultra-pure water with ...

EDI electrodeionization plant
EDI electrodeionization plant

Working Principle EDI ultra-pure water series is suitable for the preparation of pure water and ultra-pure water required for integrated circuit chips, monocrystalline silicon, kinescope, liquid crystal display, computer ...

EDI electrodeionization plant
EDI electrodeionization plant

GENO®-EDI-X systems function as a process step for residual demineralisation (polisher) after GENO®-OSMO reverse osmosis. Conductivity of up to 0.055 µS/cm can be achieved. Electrodeionisation (EDI) is ...

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