Electromagnetic electro lifting magnets

3 companies | 5 products
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{{#each product.featureValues}} {{content}} {{/each}}
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electrically switched electro lifting magnet
electrically switched electro lifting magnet

Lifting force: 2,450, 380, 250, 1,250 daN

High holding powerHeavy duty constructionWaterproof constructionSafeEffectiveAccording to EN13155 standard . For lifting of flat loads or bulk material . Steel housing . Safety factor: 2:1 (EN131155) . ON/OFF switch ...

electrically switched electro lifting magnet
electrically switched electro lifting magnet

Lifting force: 600, 900, 1,250, 1,750, 2,500 daN

Electromagnetic Lifter type EMC High holding powerWaterproof constructionSafeEffectiveAccording to EN13155 standard . For lifting of small bulk material or steel plates . ...

electrically switched electro lifting magnet
electrically switched electro lifting magnet

Lifting force: 900, 1,500, 2,500 daN

Rectangular electromagnetic lifting unit type EMR For flat plateHigh holding powerHeavy duty constructionWaterproof constructionSafeEffectiveAccording to EN13155 standard . Steel housing . Tapped mounting ...

sheet steel electro lifting magnet
sheet steel electro lifting magnet

... with an electro-hydraulic or mechanical drive along with the crane hoists for opening and closing the arms of the beam. Electro-permanent lifting devices provide a maximum safety ...

electrically switched electro lifting magnet
electrically switched electro lifting magnet

With WOKO rectangular magnets for handling of profiles with fork lifters, either single or complete bundles of profiles can be transported. The lifting magnets can be mounted on fixed ...

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