Electronic equipment ferrite cores

2 companies | 4 products
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{{#if product.productPrice }} {{#if product.productPrice.price }}

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{{/each}} {{/pushedProductsPlacement5.length}}
block ferrite core
block ferrite core

Soft magnetic ferrite core, purpose: to improve the stability of circuits, protect circuits, and extend the service life of circuits.

See the other products
Magengine Co., Ltd
block ferrite core
block ferrite core

Soft magnetic ferrite core, purpose: to improve the stability of circuits, protect circuits, and extend the service life of circuits.

See the other products
Magengine Co., Ltd
block ferrite core
block ferrite core

Soft magnetic ferrite core, purpose: to improve the stability of circuits, protect circuits, and extend the service life of circuits.

See the other products
Magengine Co., Ltd
O-type ferrite core
O-type ferrite core

Ferrite beads are used to prevent rf leakage from electronic equipment due to parasitic oszillations arising from spurious feedback and can also be used for suppression of interference. ...

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