Electrostatic field measuring instruments

11 companies | 12 products
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electrostatic field measuring instrument
electrostatic field measuring instrument
max. ±30 kV | AD-1684A

The AD-1684A is an electrostatic fieldmeter designed for detecting the existence of static electricity, which is often the cause of inaccurate weighing. The AD-1684A can be used for measuring the electrostatic ...

electrostatic field measuring instrument
electrostatic field measuring instrument

... FMX-004 is a convenient, compact and pocketsized handheld static field meter. The instrument for measuring static electricity will tell you the static electricity measured in kV. Measuring ...

electrostatic field measuring device
electrostatic field measuring device

The Triplett Model SFM500 Electrostatic Field Meter is used for the non-contact measurement of an electrostatic charge on a body or object. It has a range of -19.000kV to +19.000kV and ...

electrostatic field measuring device
electrostatic field measuring device

... ELETTROSPRAY Resistivometer is an instrument for the rapid and precise measurement of the electric resistivity of conventional painting for electrostatic application. The painting products suitable ...

electrostatic field measuring device
electrostatic field measuring device

This contactless precise electrostatic field meter can immediately sensor the static voltage on a charged body without contact. The measuring range is 0.010kV ~ 20.000kV with the sensing ...

electrostatic field measuring instrument
electrostatic field measuring instrument
MCE 20

IThis is a small, handy field strength meter with digital display used to measure electrostatic fields. By selecting the measuring distance, the field ...

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electrostatic field measuring instrument
electrostatic field measuring instrument

... ID107 field meter is a precision hand-held instrument designed for the investigation of electrostatic problems in experimental and industrial situations. Based on a rotating field ...

electrostatic field measuring instrument
electrostatic field measuring instrument

... AND ADVANTAGES Due to the geometry of the measuring head, very low field intensities can be measured. The recommended measuring distance of the measuring head to the ...

electrostatic field measuring instrument
electrostatic field measuring instrument

The Model 511 is a high-quality, portable, chopper-stabilized, non-contacting electrostatic field meter designed for measuring and auditing electrostatic fields ...

electrostatic field measuring device
electrostatic field measuring device

... -02 electrostatic charge meter is very compact and light, it measures the electrostatic charge on the surface you want to check, without contact, and is equipped with an LCD display indicating both the ...

electrostatic field measuring instrument
electrostatic field measuring instrument

To analyze and solve the static troubles without measuring the charge is very complicated. So utilization of static meter will be a good decision for technical personnel to solve troubles caused by static electricity. ...

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