ESD deposition machines

3 companies | 5 products
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{{#each product.featureValues}} {{content}} {{/each}}
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PVD deposition machine
PVD deposition machine
RTAC-SP series

... three popular types of PVD coatings: Vacuum Evaporation and Sputtering, and Arc Vapor Deposition ( or Cathodic Arc) Sputter Deposition Sputtering is a metal deposition process where ...

carbide deposition machine
carbide deposition machine
Rocklinizer Model 950

... Model 950 deposits as little as .0001” to .010” and higher onto the base material, all controllable within .0001” by digital machine setting for a precise application. The higher settings combined with the Rockhard electrode ...

ESD deposition machine
ESD deposition machine
Rocklinizer Model 850

Rocklinizer Model 850 / 850E with ROTARY APPLICATOR - Deposits from .0002" to .007" in a single application, controllable by machine setting. Approximately 30 lbs. (13.2 kg.) Model 850 Rotary Applicator is automatically ...

electrostatic deposition machine
electrostatic deposition machine
Rocklinizer micro

... proven technology, the company’s proprietary Rocklinizer® spark deposition process applies extremely hard and wear resistant coatings onto metals, tools, and dies to:  - Extend machine life  - Eliminate ...

PVD deposition machine
PVD deposition machine
Titan Deposition

The production proven Titan Deposition is a loadlocked deposition system with a vacuum cassette elevator. It can be configured for PECVD, HDCVD, PVD, or ALD. The Titan Deposition provides ...

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