Etching polishers

3 companies | 4 products
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{{#each product.featureValues}} {{content}} {{/each}}
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electrolytic polisher
electrolytic polisher

The Qetch 100 M is a mobile battery supplied electrolytic polisher and etcher. It convinces by its compact and robust construction, ideal for use outside of the lab. The simple operation simultaneous with high functionality ...

electrolytic polisher
electrolytic polisher
QETCH 1000

The Qetch 1000 is a fully automatic electrolytic polisher and etcher with intuitive touch-screen operation. The polishing and etching unit is separated from the control unit so that the Kristall 680 may ...

electrolytic polisher
electrolytic polisher

> Teflon electrolytic chamber > Equipped with voltage control display and digital timer > Recommended for scientific research institutes, metallographic laboratories and universities. Output voltage 0-60V/0+25A, adjustable (IV steps) Chamber ...

electrolytic polisher
electrolytic polisher

... Output voltage 0÷60V/0÷25A, adjustable (1V steps) Chamber capacity 300÷1000ml Noise level Electrolytic polishing and etching machine for metallographic sample preparation >Teflon electrolytic chamber >Equipped ...

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