Evaporative humidifier-coolers

4 companies | 4 products
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air humidifier-cooler
air humidifier-cooler

The Condair ME provides low energy humidity control and evaporative cooling to an air handling unit or duct. A single unit can provide up to 1,000kg/hr of humidification and 630kW of evaporative cooling ...

air humidifier-cooler
air humidifier-cooler

Power: 750 W - 1,100 W

PRIMO is an evaporative cooler for large spaces, such as workshops, industrial departments, commercial and residential buildings, agricultural and livestock facilities, etc., which uses the principle ...

air humidifier-cooler
air humidifier-cooler

Air flow: 2,000 m³/h - 30,000 m³/h

Humidifiers or adiabatic modules have become popular for use in conjunction with climate control heat exchangers, UTAs or any other system where it is necessary to increase humidity and cool an air flow. Standard airflows ...

air humidifier-cooler
air humidifier-cooler
Humimax HM3

Air flow: 2,000, 5,000, 10,000 m³/h
Power: 250, 460, 920 W

... indoors wherever moisture regulation is critical with Munters Humimax HM3 stand-alone humidifier units. With intelligent controllers, these direct evaporative humidifiers balance thermal ...

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