Explosion-proof starters

3 companies | 3 products
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{{/each}} {{/pushedProductsPlacement5.length}}
motor starter
motor starter
SH series

Power: 50 ch - 1,000 ch

... electric starters. It is made in a heavy-duty construction for 100% reliability. Its working principle is based on the energy stored in a dry nitrogen pre-charged oleo-pneumatic accumulator. It doesn’t produce sparks, ...

motor starter
motor starter

... Europe ATEX and International IEC Ex as well as China National CN Ex certified for use in Zone 1 or Zone 2 areas where motor circuit protection is required. GN explosion proof motor starters ...

motor starter
motor starter
DE8BA series

Current: 0 A - 220 A

The flameproof triple pole motor starters Group IIB DE8BA in cast Iron with thermal overload relay are ideally suited for many applications. The range is available in three versions: • with thermal overload relay, without ...

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