Extreme condition greases

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7 companies | 8 products
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extreme condition grease
extreme condition grease
Nevastane XS series

Operating temperature: -55 °C - 180 °C
Flash point: 300 °C

Nevastane XS is an extreme pressure grease dedicated to the lubrication in food industry under very severe conditions: water, high load, high temperature, dust… Nevastane XS is NSF ...

lubricant grease
lubricant grease
Aero D 100

Pour point: -30, -33 °C
Flash point: 292, 278, 272 °C

Ashless dispersive monograde mineral oils for the lubrication of piston engines operating under severe and very severe conditions. High quality mineral oil, containing modern technology dispersant additives. High viscosity ...

calcium sulfonate grease
calcium sulfonate grease

Operating temperature: -40 °C - 180 °C
Pour point: 260 °C

... polycyclic aromatic compounds. - Excellent performance under extreme conditions and shock loads. High EP capacity. - Excellent pumpability at low temperatures. - Allows a single high performance ...

maintenance grease
maintenance grease
WD-40 Specialist®

Operating temperature: 650 °F
Flash point: 180 °C

WD-40 Specialist® Heavy-Duty Grease is a calcium sulfonate grease that offers a versatile solution for all extreme conditions and is the only grease ...

PFPE-based grease
PFPE-based grease

... regarded as synonymous with long-term stability and thermal resistance. BARRIERTA greases are the first choice of lubrication experts in many sectors worldwide. BARRIERTA K greases enable long-term use ...

synthetic grease
synthetic grease
615 HTG

Operating temperature: -40 °C - 204 °C

... , corrosion-inhibited, water-resistant grease. Outstanding extreme pressure capabilities and excellent water washout resistance. Temperature limit -40° C (-40° F) to 204° C (400° F). Ideal for demanding ...

chain grease
chain grease

Operating temperature: -40 °C - 200 °C

High performance chain grease, this high quality product developed and tested for the racing industry (on-and off-road motorcycles) provides guaranteed lubrication for extended periods of intense use. It penetrates and ...

high-temperature grease
high-temperature grease

SOGEFLON® or STABIGREASE®, High temperature greases developped to resist to the most extreme conditions. Their very low evaporation rate at high temperature allow them to keep ...

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