Eye-safe laser diodes

3 companies | 3 products
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VCSEL laser diode
VCSEL laser diode

Power: 3.3 W - 4.1 W
Wavelength: 932 nm - 948 nm

... interlock based eye-safety After releasing the first AECQ-102 qualified in-cabin VCSEL to the market with TARA2000-AUT (in mass production since Q2 2021) the new TARA2000-AUT-SAFE comes with an upgraded ...

VCSEL laser diode
VCSEL laser diode

... technology supports a new generation of lighting devices that are inherently eye-safe, for example, because the diffuser optics are monolithically integrated into the laser array. Furthermore, ...

pulsed laser diode
pulsed laser diode
HI155G series

Power: 4.2 W - 40 W
Wavelength: 1,550 nm

For military rangefinders Pulsed laser diodes at 1550 nm up to 40 W Description Rangefinder systems that are built with 1550 nm pulsed laser diodes (PLDs) also operate ...

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