Fabric flap wheels

4 companies | 4 products
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coated abrasive flap wheel
coated abrasive flap wheel
105 000 series

SHANK Ø 3.00 MM Made of flaps of corundum abrasive fabric on an epoxy center. These flexible wheels adapt to the contours of the workpiece. They are used in a wide range of applications ...

coated abrasive flap wheel
coated abrasive flap wheel
RC series

Type RC: in flaps of abrasive cloth and sponge. Type RF: abrasive sponge only. Applications: Ideal for finishing and satin finishing of with filaments.

fabric flap wheel
fabric flap wheel

For polishing and cleaning of all metal surfaces, and for rust and paint removal.

coated abrasive flap wheel
coated abrasive flap wheel

Non-woven abrasive flap wheel is made of high-quality nylon fiber, bonded with alumina such as alumina and silicon carbide. It is formed into a grinding product with a three-dimensional network structure ...

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