Filters for hygienic applications

4 companies | 4 products
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{{#each product.featureValues}} {{content}} {{/each}}
{{#if product.productPrice }} {{#if product.productPrice.price }}

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{{/end}} {{/each}}


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{{/end}} {{/each}}


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{{/each}} {{/pushedProductsPlacement5.length}}
air filter
air filter
Opakfil HT series

Operating pressure: 75, 260, 100, 85 Pa
Flow: 3,400, 4,000 m³/h
Fluid temperature: 120 °C

... for paint applications in automotive industry High temperature compact filter Lightweight frame design Easy and safe handling Hygienic filter ...

activated carbon filter
activated carbon filter
Geofilter GFC series

Geovent GFC is a filter unit for cleaning return air, intake air or circulated air to remove toxic gases, odours, aerosols, VOCs etc. from industrial production processes. The air passes through the ...

fume filter
fume filter
FE series

Operating pressure: 10 Pa - 64 Pa
Filtration size: 10, 0.4 µm
Flow: 200 m³/h - 3,400 m³/h

Thanks to its high collection efficiency of submicronic particles and to its strong electric field, the Expansion Electronic filter has an elevated antibacterial power and is active on pollen, fine dust, toner, mold, ...

liquid filter
liquid filter

Operating pressure: 0 bar - 10 bar
Filtration size: 50 µm - 2,000 µm
Flow: 0 m³/h - 70 m³/h

These inline filters are used for removing particulates during raw material transfer from tankers to storage tanks. F-SF filters can be supplied with camlock, threaded or hygienic connections ...

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