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- Fixed lifting beam
Fixed lifting beams

Carrying capacity: 1,000 kg - 45,000 kg
• For top handling a specified container size (10' to 40' ISO / Sealand / special container dimensions) • To be slipped onto forks and inverted forks | Hook-on | Integrated | Terminal West | Pin Type

Carrying capacity: 4,000, 2,000, 5,000, 1,000, 3,000 kg
Max. length between hooks: 1,000, 1,500, 2,000, 3,000 mm
Weight : 35 kg - 305 kg
Double central beam making a box Hooks allowing slings with an angle of max 45° Safety coefficient : 6 Special models and capacity (force) on request.

Carrying capacity: 500, 1,500 kg
Total width: 1,000, 2,000, 3,000, 4,000, 500 mm
Weight : 10 kg - 67 kg
... Aluminium Lifting Beam. Available as aluminium truss or aluminium H-truss - rigid or adjustable. • Features Variants • Aluminium Lifting Beam, rigid, with hooks ...

Our Magnetic Sheet and Plate Lifters are designed and manufactured to load and/or unload steel sheets from pallets, racks, cutting tables, shears and more. Our unique designs of these magnetic lifting ...

Carrying capacity: 32, 40 t
Weight : 1,500 kg
Fully automatic spreader for containers. lights to indicate the position of the twistlocks. Flotating twistlocks low battery indicator available design to handle single 20′ or single 40′ containers. OPTIONS •3 RETRACTABLE ...

Carrying capacity: 30 t - 800 t
Lifting Beams are elements designed for the manipulation of loads. They are manufactured with beam, structural tube or electrowelded box beam where fixation elements ...

Carrying capacity: 500 kg
Beam for light shafts and court yards The Beam for light shafts it's a perfect solution to hang suspended platforms, cradles and work seats into light shafts or court yards. Composed by lightweight ...

Carrying capacity: 135 kg - 210 kg
Number of cups: 1 unit
Total width: 900 mm - 1,200 mm
... self-loading drop spreader bucket designed for compact tractors and loaders. The hydraulic or 12V electric spreader can be mounted on front/back of the vehicle and is perfect for parking lots, courtyards, ...

Carrying capacity: 10 t - 200 t
Number of cups: 4 unit
Beams to hoist loads from 10 Tm to 200 Tm - Systems of fixed linepull or regulated - Design for schakles, pulleys or studs - Homologation CE before delivery - Therefore they include CE certification ...

SINEX Industrie vibrating spreader beams are provided with arms from which the moulds to be de-cored are hung. A bail connects the vibrating spreader beam to the bridge ...
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