Flange dampers

2 companies | 3 products
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shock damper
shock damper
E1E931S / E1E4045

Load capacity: 0.8 daN - 4 daN

SILICONE RUBBER / SPECIAL ELECTRONICS ► High damped silicon elastomer (VHDS). ► Stainless Steel flange and centre axis.

See the other products
vibration damper
vibration damper
E1E41 series

Load capacity: 1.2 daN - 13.6 daN

... vibration mount in damped silicone for tension and compression use. ► High damped silicon elastomer (VHDS). ► Stainless Steel flange and centre axis.

See the other products
vibration damper
vibration damper

Rectangular or Square section Modulating Service Size Range upon request End Connections: Flanged Material: Carbon Steel, Corten, AISI 304, AISI316, AISI 310, AISI 321 High Temperature Biomass Boilers ...

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