Fluorescence spectroscopy software

2 companies | 3 products
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fluorescence spectroscopy software
fluorescence spectroscopy software

BRUKER AXS provides dedicated advanced software solutions for X-ray fluorescence Analyzis (XRF), enabling to achieve maximum analytical performance from the energy and wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence ...

fluorescence spectroscopy software
fluorescence spectroscopy software

XRF-FP is a quantitative analysis software package for X-Ray Fluoresence (XRF). XRF analysis with Fundamental Parameters (FP) converts elemental peak intensities to elemental concentrations or film thicknesses. ...

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Amptek Inc.
fluorescence spectroscopy software
fluorescence spectroscopy software

... The software runs on standard PC’s and operating systems (Windows XP, 7, etc.). Complete ZAF analysis is possible, with or without standards, using an internal database of fundamental parameters (FP) such as absorption ...

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Amptek Inc.
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