Fluoride analyzers

12 companies | 20 products
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fluoride analyzer
fluoride analyzer
Aztec AFM631

The Aztec 600 fluoride analyzer provides reliable and highly accurate measurement of fluoride concentrations to enable precise control of water fluoridation. The Aztec 600 ISE fluoride ...

ammonia analyzer
ammonia analyzer
AMI ISE Universal

Ion sensitive determination of Ammonium, Nitrate or Fluoride Low operating costs due to reagent free operation Minimal maintenance due to integrated sensor cleaning Flexibility to monitor additional parameters with ...

fluoride analyzer
fluoride analyzer

The CA610 Fluoride Analyser uses advanced ion-selective electrode (ISE) technology for continuous monitoring of Fluoride concentration in drinking water effluent. Accuracy is ensured ...

carbon dioxide analyzer
carbon dioxide analyzer

One single analyzer for the measurement of up to 50 parameters, to be selected according to the application. MCERTs certified Based on the FTIR technology (Fourier Transform Infrared) for simultaneous measurement of: ...

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multigas analyzer
multigas analyzer

IN-SITU CLOSE-COUPLED MULTI-GAS ANALYZER A complete “all in one compact” system, for multi-gas measurements, based on the field-proven MIR 9000 analyzer and on-board SEC sampling system Fast & simultaneous ...

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oxygen analyzer
oxygen analyzer
MIR 9000 CLD

MULTI-GAS IR-GFC ANALYZER Standard Reference CLD method for low & ultra low NOx measurement, IR-GFC for CO, CO2, SO2, N2O, Nox, HF, HCl, TOC and O2 in a single analyzer Fast and simultaneous measurements ...

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fluoride analyzer
fluoride analyzer

* Ion-selective electrode with patented, replaceable tip * Automatic calibration * Temperature-controlled wall-jet flow cell * Rugged, lightweight enclosure * Ultra-low reagent consumption * Virtually immune to interferences

ammonia analyzer
ammonia analyzer

BH-485-ION is a digital ion sensor with RS485 communication and standard Modbus protocol. Housing material is corrosion-resistant (PPS+POM), IP68 protection, suitable for most water quality monitoring environments;This online ion sensor ...

nitrogen analyzer
nitrogen analyzer

PF-2085 online composite electrode with chlorine single crystal film, PTFE annular liquid interface and solid electrolyte is compounded with pressure, anti pollution and other characteristics. Widely used in semiconductor materials, solar ...

fluoride analyzer
fluoride analyzer

n sensor.pXG-2085Pro Industrial online Ions analyzer is new latest micro-computer based high-end instrument. It is characterized by three languages in one,suitable for F-,Cl-,Mg2+,Ca2+,NO3-,NH+ (Fluoride ...

extractive analyzer
extractive analyzer

AtLAS-900 is a laser gas analyser for industrial on line applications, able to measure a great number of gas but optimized for Oxygen measurement (inerting control) in centrifuges and reactors in chemical and pharmaceutical ...

fluoride analyzer
fluoride analyzer

... -feed condition. An on-line fluoride monitor can provide reliable control of chemical addition for a consistent fluoride concentration. ATI’s Model Q46F/D Fluoride Monitor provides ...

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Analytical Technology
laser analyzer
laser analyzer

... the needs of different measurement sites. The in-situ analyzer adopts single-sided insertion measurement, does not require light operation, and is easy to install and maintain. The bypass analyzer can ...

fluoride analyzer
fluoride analyzer

Features Suitable for fluoride ion monitoring in effluent from factories, e.g., those of semiconductor FPD and glass manufacturers 0 to 10,000 mg/L wide measuring range (10-range switching)

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HORIBA Process & Environmental
flue gas analyzer
flue gas analyzer

The MIC-600 laser analyzer adopts the principle of Tunable Diode Laser Absorption Spectroscopy (TDLAS), which is the \"single-line spectrum\" measurement technology. Using a high-stability, low-noise quantum cascade QCL ...

ammonia analyzer
ammonia analyzer

Online Chloride/Fluoride/Nitrate/Calcium/Ammonia meter /analyzer pXG-1915 Industrial online Fluorine Ion analyzer is our company’s latest micro-computer based high-end instrument. It ...

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