Forensic fuming chambers

4 companies | 9 products
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cyanoacrylate fuming chamber
cyanoacrylate fuming chamber
SG P series

TopAir’s Cyanoacrylate Fuming Chamber is used to develop latent prints from non-porous surfaces in a safe, controlled environment. Cyanoacrylate is placed inside the chamber while ...

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TopAir Systems
cyanoacrylate fuming chamber
cyanoacrylate fuming chamber
SG WF series

TopAir’s Cyanoacrylate Fuming Chamber is used to develop latent prints from non-porous surfaces in a safe, controlled environment. Cyanoacrylate is placed inside the chamber while ...

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TopAir Systems
cyanoacrylate fuming chamber
cyanoacrylate fuming chamber

The Quad Cyanoacrylate Fuming Chamber is a space-efficient solution comprising four modular units that can bestacked or used individually, accommodating diverse laboratory setups and spatial constraints. Each ...

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TopAir Systems
cyanoacrylate fuming chamber
cyanoacrylate fuming chamber
SG-ECO P series

Top Air’s Ecoline Cyanoacrylate Fuming Chamber is an innovative, compact and flexible fingerprint-developing system for non-porous surfaces in a safe, controlled environment. The unit is built from ...

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TopAir Systems
cyanoacrylate fuming chamber
cyanoacrylate fuming chamber

Cyanoacrylate fuming is easy with the MEGAfume fuming chamber series! Cyanoacrylate (superglue) fuming is a method for developing fingerprints on non-porous surfaces, ...

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Attestor Forensics GmbH
mobile fuming chamber
mobile fuming chamber

MINIfume is a mobile cyanoacrylate fuming chamber for the development of fingerprints on non-porous surfaces. Cyanoacrylate (superglue) fuming is a method for developing fingerprints ...

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Attestor Forensics GmbH
forensic fuming chamber
forensic fuming chamber

For developing fingerprints on really big items like motorbikes, offices, desks etc, etc. Full automated operation with user customized conditions

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forensic fuming chamber
forensic fuming chamber
DFO 670

DFO – lateral fingerprints developing chamber. Can be also used with Ninhydrine method.

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cyanoacrylate fuming chamber
cyanoacrylate fuming chamber

a cutting-edge chemical vapor fuming process to develop fingerprints on a range of difficult surfaces including those that have been exposed to extreme heat (discharged bullet casings, for example) and items that have ...

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