Freestanding goniophotometers

3 companies | 3 products
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freestanding goniophotometer
freestanding goniophotometer
LGS 1000

Analyze the angle dependent spatial radiations properties of large SSL lamps and LED modules with the new LGS 1000 goniophotometer or goniospectroradiometer. The LGS 100 is capable of measuring LED modules up to a length ...

freestanding goniophotometer
freestanding goniophotometer
LGS 650

Measurement object diameter: 1,300 mm

Goniophotometer for medium and large light sources Angle-dependent determination of photometric quantities The LGS 650 was specially developed for the determination of angle-dependent spatial radiation properties ...

near field goniophotometer
near field goniophotometer

Measurement object diameter: 0 mm - 600 mm

Type C goniophotometer for LEDs/OLEDs, lamps, and small luminaires of a diameter up to 600 mm This free-standing type C near field goniophotometer has a maximum measuring volume of a ...

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