Fresh concrete testers

2 companies | 3 products
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{{#each product.featureValues}} {{content}} {{/each}}
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water vapor permeability tester
water vapor permeability tester

Water impermeability tester model WUP 6-M, standard EN 12390-8, ISO 7031, UNI 9533 With quantitative measurement of water penetrationWater impermeability tester model ...

See the other products
Testing Feuerherdt & Bluhm
air permeability tester
air permeability tester

For the determination of air/gas permeability of concrete test specimens Acc. to RILEM Cembureau method The specimen is sealed by a surrounding hose having a pressure of 12 bar. Pressuring either through a gas bottle ...

See the other products
Testing Feuerherdt & Bluhm
resonant frequency tester
resonant frequency tester
E-Meter MK II™

... Spectrum. Durability of Concrete The determination of flexural resonance is very important when studying the degradation of concrete under accelerated freezing and thawing cycles and aggressive environments ...

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