Friction-driven conveyor belts

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3 companies | 4 products
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smooth conveyor belt
smooth conveyor belt

Width: 1 mm - 1,000 mm
Thickness: 0.025 mm - 1 mm

Optimize automated operations with the strength and versatility of metal belts PureSteel® endless metal belts are created by welding together two ends of a metal strip. High-energy beam-welding techniques, ...

friction-driven conveyor belt
friction-driven conveyor belt

... A Metrak© belt employs a V belt bonded to the inner circumference of the metal belt. This two-element belt, which Belt Technologies calls Metrak©, distributes ...

wire mesh conveyor belt
wire mesh conveyor belt
OSK 400

OSK 400 is balanced weave conveyor belts which the most versatile and widely used metal conveyor belts.These belts are typically friction ...

modular conveyor belt
modular conveyor belt

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