Furnace shrink wrapping machines

3 companies | 3 products
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{{#each product.featureValues}} {{content}} {{/each}}
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{{/end}} {{/each}}


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{{#pushedProductsPlacement5.length}} {{#each pushedProductsPlacement5}}

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{{#each product.featureValues}} {{content}} {{/each}}
{{#if product.productPrice }} {{#if product.productPrice.price }}

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{{/end}} {{/each}}


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{{/each}} {{/pushedProductsPlacement5.length}}
semi-automatic shrink wrapping machine
semi-automatic shrink wrapping machine

Width: 775, 875, 1,125 mm
Length: 1,600, 1,900, 2,500 mm

FQL450A is a semi-automatic "L" type shrink wrapping machine. Features: • Anti-stick and high-temperature alloy "L" type sealing knife, the sealing is neat and does not crack, does ...

automatic shrink wrapping machine
automatic shrink wrapping machine
KP series

Throughput: 6 p/min - 20 p/min
Width: 1,140, 980 mm
Length: 1,720, 2,730 mm

... sealing. Fast packaging speed, unlimited package length. Easy to operate, long time in use. Application Suitable for shrink wrapping for product with bottom support and single product, such as electric ...

fully-automatic shrink wrapping machine
fully-automatic shrink wrapping machine
FK,HY series

Throughput: 0 p/min - 35 p/min
Width: 450 mm - 1,480 mm
Length: 1,480 mm - 2,510 mm

fully automatic shrink packaging machine including l sealer and shrink tunnel which can feed products, seal and cut film and shrink film bag automatically. ...

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