Heat exchanger plates

5 companies | 5 products
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{{#each product.featureValues}} {{content}} {{/each}}
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heat exchanger plate
heat exchanger plate
TSC ,P series

... Bolted plate heat exchangers are designed for safe and reliable operation in a very wide pressure/temperature range . Flexibility is our strength Our turbolator plate ...

heat exchanger plate
heat exchanger plate

The Heat Exchanger Plate, manufactured by Ekin Endustriyel Ltd. Sti., is specifically designed with a materials of AISI 316L, AISI 304, 254 SMO, Alloy 31, AISI 316Ti, Alloy 59, and Hastelloy. ...

heat exchanger plate
heat exchanger plate

... specific properties. The advantage of plate heat exchangers over tubular heat exchangers is the smaller design at the same thermal power and a better ...

heat exchanger plate
heat exchanger plate

The Heat Exchanger and Refrigeration Series, manufactured by Fischer Maschinen - und Apparatebau GmbH®, is a heat exchanger plate. Wherein the material ...

heat exchanger plate
heat exchanger plate

... used in the middle of the sheet and two laser welding seals are used around the edge. - Injecting high-pressure liquid between plates makes the plates expand and deform under pressure, ...

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