Heavy load hardness testers

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Rockwell hardness tester
Rockwell hardness tester

Load: 0.3 kgf - 3,000 kgf
Weight: 420 kg - 500 kg

The DuraVision solves a wide variety of test tasks and is known for its efficiency in macro hardness testing applications. Even in harsh industrial environments, you can count on the reliable performance ...

universal hardness tester
universal hardness tester

Load: 1 kgf - 3,000 kgf
Useful height: 300 mm
Useful width: 190 mm

... Rockwell and Superficial Rockwell hardness test methods in compliance with ASTM and ISO hardness standards. AFFRI System hardness testers achieve the highest level of ...

Brinell hardness tester
Brinell hardness tester

Load: 3,000 kgf

Rockwell hardness tester
Rockwell hardness tester

Load: 3 kgf - 250 kgf
Useful height: 650 mm
Useful width: 900 mm

... scale (with loads of 60, 100 and 150 kp), and the Rockwell superficial scale ( loads of 15, 30 and 45 kp), but can also apply additional loads for other tests, such as Brinell or Vickers ...

Brinell hardness tester
Brinell hardness tester

EASYFLAG 3000 es un durómetro especial para pruebas Brinell y Rockwell, con fresado incorporado, diseñado para obviar a los problemas típicos de los taladros radiales, que no son adecuados ni para sostener cargas superiores a 3000 kg ...

Brinell hardness tester
Brinell hardness tester
NEXUS 3400(M)

Load: 62.5 kgf - 3,000 kgf

... included Brinell Indent Optical Scanner (BIOS) can be used on large or small components. One push on the button of the BIOS generates a crisp high definition image of the indent on the large full color ...

See the other products
heavy load hardness tester
heavy load hardness tester

Brinell hardness tester
Brinell hardness tester

... years of innovation and refinement in to the ROBUS Brinell Hardness testing machine. We are delighted to launch this new machine in 2018. The Robus is a closed loop bench top Brinell hardness tester. ...

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Foundrax Engineering Products Ltd
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