High-precision spectroradiometers

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high-precision spectroradiometer
high-precision spectroradiometer

Wavelength: 380 nm - 780 nm

... processing technology of the CS-2000 and CS-2000A while providing the high precision needed for standard value measurement of displays and other light sources. The new CS-3000 series offers high-speed ...

VIS spectroradiometer
VIS spectroradiometer

Wavelength: 380 nm - 780 nm

Ultimate and Versatile. High resolution 5 million pixels (2448x2048) and high luminance 17 billion cd/m2 metrology instrument! Outline 2D spectroradiometer is high ...

high-speed spectroradiometer
high-speed spectroradiometer
CS-3000 Series

Wavelength: 5 nm

The Spectroradiometer CS-3000 series comprises three models: the Spectroradiometer CS-3000HDR, the Spectroradiometer CS-3000, and the Spectroradiometer CS-2000Plus. These ...

high-precision spectroradiometer
high-precision spectroradiometer
CAS 140D

Wavelength: 200 nm - 1,100 nm

The latest high-end CAS 140D array spectroradiometer from Instrument Systems is seen as a benchmark for high-precision spectral light measurement technology both for ...

CCD spectroradiometer
CCD spectroradiometer

Wavelength: 200 nm - 1,050 nm

LMS-7000 spectroradiometer applied with Japanese high-precision CCD detector, which has excellent speed, high stability and high accuracy. • The following ...

high-precision spectroradiometer
high-precision spectroradiometer

Wavelength: 330, 1,000 nm

... chrominance, color temperature, spectroscopy, etc. Cooperated with ProICM professional analysis software, it can perform high-speed and high-precision measurement of micro luminous surfaces, ...

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RayClouds Photoelectric Technology Co.,Ltd
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