High-pressure compressor units

5 companies | 7 products
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gas compressor unit
gas compressor unit

Pressure: 8 bar - 40 bar

... . However, high-pressure hydrogen is also required for recovery applications, laboratory applications and other power-to-gas applications. HULC - Hydrogen Unique Linear Compressor At ...

hydrogen gas compressor unit
hydrogen gas compressor unit

Pressure: 82 MPa
Flow rate: 340 m³/h
Power: 110 kW

TOP share hydrogen compressor for Hydrogen Refueling Station(HRS) in Japan. Type:V-type / 3 Cylinder / 5 stage compression / Water-cooled / Oil-free Discharge volume : 340Nm3/hr Handling gas:Hydrogen ...

hydrogen gas compressor unit
hydrogen gas compressor unit

Pressure: 40 MPa - 45 MPa
Flow rate: 100 m³/h
Power: 37 kW

... share hydrogen compressor for Hydrogen Refueling Station(HRS) in Japan. Model: VD4-75GH-OL Type:V-type / 2 Cylinder / 4 stage compression / Water-cooled / Oil-free Discharge volume : 100Nm3/hr Handling ...

hydrogen gas compressor unit
hydrogen gas compressor unit

Pressure: 1 Pa - 20,000,000 Pa
Flow rate: 500 m³/h - 1,000 m³/h
Power: 150 kW

Usage example:For oil refinery, petrochemical, and chemical plants Type:V-type / 2 cylinder / 3 stage compression / Water-cooled / Oil-free Handling gas:Hydrogen

gas compressor unit
gas compressor unit
LG series

Power: 117 kW - 2,142 kW

... of low pressure stage compressor is pressure difference. The high-pressure stage can be operated independently to achieve rapid cooling and high ...

air compressor unit
air compressor unit
ROBOX series

Pressure: 0 mbar - 2,500 mbar
Flow rate: 980 m³/h - 9,400 m³/h
Power: 75 kW - 600 kW

... rotors optimises the ratio between capacity and pressure thanks to the maximum performance of the internal compression. This increases the efficiency of the ROBOX screw unit. Its characteristics ...

gas compressor unit
gas compressor unit

Pressure: 30, 50 bar
Power: 250, 500, 750, 1,000 kW

... particularly high. RANGE OF APPLICATIONS • Buffer storage in stationary medium-pressure, high-pressure and cavern storage facilities • Trailer filling for supplying ...

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