High-pressure dust collectors

6 companies | 18 products
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cartridge dust collector
cartridge dust collector

Output: 250 m³/h - 620 m³/h

"High pressure filter. The new Pulsotronic filter is developed from research and experience of Coral s.p.a. This modern high pressure and highly efficient unit has been ...

filter dust collector
filter dust collector
VENTURI series

Output: 1,000 m³/h - 10,000 m³/h

... generate water-insoluble dust, e.g., metals, composites, resins, aggregates. It is also used for dusts that generate glowing particles capable of starting fires or explosions in dry filters. Equipped ...

ATEX dust collector
ATEX dust collector
VJFGB W series

Output: 3,900, 5,400 m³/h

VJFGB Series Moderate High Pressure Explosion Proof Dust Collector Product Description VJFGB Series is an explosion-proof industrial dust ...

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cartridge dust collector
cartridge dust collector
aero 4 eco

Output: 2,000 m³/h - 9,000 m³/h

The aero4eco dust extractor is the highend mid-range model in the aero series and is used in the manufacturing industry to extract and safely separate dust, chips, smoke, fibers and gases*. * ...

See the other products
aspur air solutions
bag dust collector
bag dust collector
CBA-080AT / 500AT-HC-CE

Output: 2, 3 m³/min

This extractor features a compact footprint and is of superior pressure. It is appointed with a top notch filter and final filter, which can be HEPA or High Performance based in the requirement. Adding ...

See the other products
filter dust collector
filter dust collector
ZO-400 P

Output: 0 m³/h - 12,750 m³/h

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