High-sensitivity displacement sensors

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2 companies | 3 products
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linear displacement sensor
linear displacement sensor

Measuring range: 2 mm - 10 mm
Linearity: 1 %
Measuring rate: 50 Hz

... 5076psig) - 2-wire output of 4-20mA, 3-wire voltage signal - Mechanical zeroing( Within 2mm) Applicaitions: - Servo Valve Displacement Sensing - Directional Control Valves - Propotional Valves - Servo Lever

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Soway Tech Limited
linear displacement sensor
linear displacement sensor

Measuring range: 2.5 mm - 35 mm
Linearity: 0 % - 1 %
Measuring rate: 50 Hz - 600 Hz

... 4-20mA, 3-wire voltage signal - 4-wire PNP/NPN - Compact design Applications: - Proportional valve - Servo Valve Displacement Sensing - Directional control valves - Servo lever

See the other products
Soway Tech Limited
linear displacement sensor
linear displacement sensor

Measuring range: 50 cm - 5,000 cm
Measuring rate: 40 kHz
Power consumption: 43 W

The Q1S Static Laser RADAR is designed specifically for high-precision non-contact distance, deflection and vibration measurements, delivering metrology-grade accuracy in structural monitoring applications. With a long-range ...

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