Hollow-shaft brakes

2 companies | 3 products
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failsafe brake
failsafe brake
Servo Slim Line

Torque: 0.27 Nm - 8 Nm
Rotational speed: 5,000, 4,000, 6,000, 3,000, 2,500 rpm
Power: 5.8 W - 27.2 W

... dimensions. With regard to their power density the slim single-disc brakes are flatter and lighter than the market standard, and due to their large inner diameter they are well suited for hollow-shaft ...

disc brake
disc brake

Torque: 0.27 Nm - 8 Nm
Rotational speed: 3,000, 5,000, 2,500, 6,000, 4,000 rpm
Power: 6 W - 27 W

... density the slim single-disc brakes are flatter and lighter than the market standard, and due to their large inner diameter they are well suited for hollow-shaft drives. This makes them ...

friction brake
friction brake
MBS-H series

Torque: 0.25 Nm - 6 Nm
Rotational speed: 5,000 rpm
Power: 12, 19.2, 17.6, 18 W

... Thin Spring Brake MBS-H, Hollow Shaft Overexcitation Ultra-Thin Spring Brake In addition to thin structure of original MBS brake, friction disc ...

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