Hydraulic installation testers

3 companies | 9 products
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{{#each product.featureValues}} {{content}} {{/each}}
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{{/end}} {{/each}}


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thermal cycling testing system
thermal cycling testing system

Mainly used for testing of thermal functions of gas water heaters and gas-fired heating and hot water combi-boilers.

flow tester
flow tester
HT series

Measure flow, pressure, temperature & speed. Flows up to 400 lpm (100 US gpm). Flows up to 400 lpm (100 US gpm) Pressures up to 420 bar (6000 psi) Temperature up to 120°C (250°F) Analogue display for flow / temp, analogue pressure Flow ...

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flow tester
flow tester
HT series

Measure flow, pressure, temperature & speed. Flows up to 800 lpm (210 US gpm). Flows up to 800 lpm (210 US gpm) Pressure up to 480 bar (7000 psi) Temperature up to 120°C (250°F) Analogue display for flow / temp, analogue pressure Flow ...

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flow tester
flow tester
DHT series

The most popular sizes of digital hydraulic tester. Measure flow, pressure, temperature & speed. Flows up to 400 lpm (100 US gpm). Flows up to 400 lpm (100 US gpm) Pressures up to 420 bar (6000 psi) Temperature ...

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flow tester
flow tester
DHT series

The most popular sizes of digital hydraulic tester. Measure flow, pressure, temperature & speed. Flows up to 800 lpm (210 US gpm). Flows up to 800 lpm (210 US gpm) Pressure up to 480 bar (7000 psi) Temperature ...

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power tester
power tester
DHM404 series

The DHM 4 Series Digital Hydraulic Multimeter accurately Measure flow, pressure, peak pressure, temperature, power and volumetric efficiency. The tester comprises a turbine flow block and a large easy ...

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flow tester
flow tester
DHM804-S-7 series

The DHM 4 Series Digital Hydraulic Multimeter accurately Measure flow, pressure, peak pressure, temperature, power and volumetric efficiency. The tester comprises a turbine flow block and a large easy ...

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flow tester
flow tester
DHCR series

Separate digital tester readout for use with LT flow meters & LTR flow meters with built-in load valve. Display flow, pressure, temperature, speed. Flows up to 1500 lpm (400 US gpm) Pressure up to 480 bar (7000 psi) Temperature ...

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phase sequence tester
phase sequence tester

... sequence (right/left) and phase balance in three-phase systems (TRITEST® easy). For testing solenoid valves in pneumatic and hydraulic systems, heating systems, pumps as well as relays in vehicles, machines, devices ...

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