In-line marinating machines

2 companies | 3 products
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in-line marinating machine
in-line marinating machine
Multiplus 720

The new MULTIPLUS injectors for marinated products are especially recommended for marinating low-profile fresh meats (chicken parts, bacon, etc…), with a wide range of new features for optimal cost and functionality of the marinating ...

in-line marinating machine
in-line marinating machine

The marinating systems type SMD marinates food in a dipping bath with settings for marinade components Options: •Steak – beef or pork, speared products or minced meat steaks •Chicken filet, pieces of chicken or speared inner filets •Diced ...

in-line marinating machine
in-line marinating machine
SMD 600

•Continuous system is used to marinade food in a dip, with adjustable marinade contingent •Liquid and smoothy marinades up to viscous herbal marinades with crunchy parts •Belt width: 600 mm

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