Inspection doors

3 companies | 3 products
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{{/each}} {{/pushedProductsPlacement5.length}}
inspection door
inspection door
Fireshield I 90

... RAL lacquers. If required, the inspection door can be adapted seamlessly to the installation shaft wall. Fire resistance class I 90 according to DIN 4102-4 large formats single- or double-leaf doors ...

inspection door
inspection door

OmgaSeal® and Inspection Doors Hygienic seals and inspection doors The Clever-Cut® inspection openings can be equipped with flat gaskets or a hygienic ...

inspection door
inspection door

DR/ KOM - chimney inspection doors standard versions 007-1800DR/ KOM 140x140biały 007-1812DR/ KOM 140x140 /bbrown 007-1813DR/ KOM 140x140 /Nsilver 007-1801DR/ KOM 150x250white 007-1814DR/ KOM ...

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