IP54 alternators

7 companies | 37 products
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wind turbine alternator
wind turbine alternator

Power in kVA: 5,300 kW
Voltage: 6,300 V
Supply frequency: 50 Hz

5MW medium-voltage double-fed asynchronous wind power generator adopts radical dual-path circulation cooling system, and has characters of high density/weight/power, small volume, light weight, low temperature rise, high reliability and ...

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hydraulic turbine alternator
hydraulic turbine alternator

Power in kVA: 10,000 kVA - 420,000 kVA
Voltage: 5 kV - 17 kV
Supply frequency: 60, 50 Hz

Ansaldo Energia has produced more than 500 hydrogenerators since 1920, and many of them are still in operation – further proof of their reliability. Hydrogenerators can have an extremely wide rotational speed range (between 50 and 1,200 ...

three-phase alternator
three-phase alternator
AMG series

Power in kVA: 8,000 kVA
Voltage: 15 kV
Supply frequency: 60, 50 Hz

ABB generators for engines Our industry expertise enables us to deliver solutions optimized to meet the specific needs of engine applications. ABB generators for engines cover the full power range. Our designs can be customized for ...

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ABB Motors Drives and Power Electronics
three-phase motor generator
three-phase motor generator

Power in kVA: 1,500 kVA - 10,000 kVA
Voltage: 400 V - 13,800 V

... Power: -  1.5-10MW  Voltage: -  400~13800V  Speed: -  0-2500rpm  Insulation class: -  :F, H, C  Protection degree: -  IP44、IP54IP55  Cooling type: -  IC616, IC666, IC81W, IC86W

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SEC Electric Machinery Co.,Ltd
three-phase alternator
three-phase alternator

Power in kVA: 100 kW
Voltage: 400, 690 V

You can increase the electricity production by 30% from your water and wind turbines. Speed range is 60 to 1500 rpm. Used with wind and water turbines. High efficiency allowing the production of electric power from waters and wind at low flow

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Enerset Electric Ltd.
alternator for marine applications
alternator for marine applications
M series

Power in kVA: 40 kW - 3,000 kW
Voltage: 220 V - 1,140 V

... Rated Frequency: - 50Hz/60Hz Rated Speed: - 1500rpm/1800rpm Power Factor: - 0.8(Lagging) Ingress Protection: - IP23 / IP44 / IP54 / IP55 Insulation ...

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Guangzhou ENGGA Generators Co., Ltd
hydroelectric power plant alternator
hydroelectric power plant alternator

Power in kVA: 10 kW - 3,000 kW
Voltage: 0 V - 1,000 V
Supply frequency: 50, 60 Hz

... They are low voltage, up to 1000V They can be cooled by water, air or completely submerged. Degrees of protection from IP54 up to IP68. Personalizzazioni custom made The generators ...

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