IP67 fiber optic rotary joints

2 companies | 3 products
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radar antenna fiber optic rotary joint
radar antenna fiber optic rotary joint

Rotational speed: 0 rpm - 300 rpm
Number of channels: 2 unit - 7 unit

... arrays and dipping sonar Undersea telemetry Robotics Options Supply and installation of customer specific connectors and fibers Customization of mounting configurations, housing materials and drive couplers Fluid ...

fiber optic rotary joint for marine applications
fiber optic rotary joint for marine applications

Rotational speed: 300 rpm

For more than 10 years, CENO has focused on the rotary interface needs of the energy industries. Today, our fiber optic rotary joints (FORJs) are recognized ...

stainless steel fiber optic rotary joint
stainless steel fiber optic rotary joint

Rotational speed: 0 rpm - 300 rpm
Number of channels: 2 unit - 31 unit

... is a family of fiber optic rotary joints manufactured by CENO. Such rotary unions feature optic fiber ...

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