Laboratory tensiometers

3 companies | 5 products
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force tensiometer
force tensiometer

Theoretically, building a tensiometer is simple: putting a moveable sample stage underneath a force measuring device. But developing the best-in-class tensiometer is something completely different. It ...

bubble pressure tensiometer
bubble pressure tensiometer

The BP100 Bubble Pressure Tensiometer analyzes the mobility of surfactants based on the dynamic surface tension (SFT). This allows you to find out how quickly surface-active substances such as detergents or wetting agents ...

digital tensiometer
digital tensiometer

The SDT Spinning Drop Tensiometer measures interfacial tension with a high degree of accuracy and a particularly wide range down to very low values. The SDT is the ideal solution for the quality control and development ...

digital tensiometer
digital tensiometer

★Mainly consist in platinum ring, platinum torsional wire, differential sensor and data processing system etc. ★Easy to operate, high accuracy, auto calculate the liquid surface or interface actual tension value; automatic calculate ...

bubble pressure tensiometer
bubble pressure tensiometer
MBP 200

The MBP 200 bubble pressure tensiometer from DataPhysics Instruments is a powerful measuring device for determining the dynamic surface tension of liquid solutions. To do so, it uses the maximum bubble pressure method. The ...

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