Large part hardness testers

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4 companies | 4 products
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Rockwell hardness tester
Rockwell hardness tester

Load: 0.3 kgf - 3,000 kgf
Weight: 420 kg - 500 kg

... variety of test tasks and is known for its efficiency in macro hardness testing applications. Even in harsh industrial environments, you can count on the reliable performance of this hardness tester, ...

Brinell hardness tester
Brinell hardness tester

... 3000E: Portable Brinell Hardness Tester HB10/3000, Automatic, Battery-Powered, Compliant with ASTM E110, ASTM E10, ISO 6506 MHT-3000E: The Evolution of the Portable Brinell Hardness ...

Brinell hardness tester
Brinell hardness tester

Weight: 3.3 kg

... ASTM E10. Application: Determination of Brinell hardness of black metal with an elastic modulus approximately equal to 2 * 105 mPa; Especially for the work site for large parts of ...

universal hardness tester
universal hardness tester

Load: 0.2 kgf - 3,000 kgf

This custom-made universal hardness tester with a force range of 1kgf – 3000kgf covers all hardness scales: Brinell, Vickers, Knoop, Rockwell, Superficial Rockwell, HVT & HBT, Ball ...

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