Laser diamonds

3 companies | 5 products
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laser diamond
laser diamond

Monodress MDL is supplied in a range of length and square cross sections which are laser cut to exact dimensions to facilitate tool manufacturers. Simply by rotating the logs through 45˚ about their central axis, the ...

optical diamond
optical diamond

Single Crystal Diamonds are a synthetic diamond single crystal with the highest thermal conductivity among all materials. It is possible to form various metallizing thin films for chip mounting and wire bonding.

See the other products
Sumitomo Electric Ltd
CVD diamond
CVD diamond

CVD diamond is polycrystalline diamond without binder, obtained by the Chemical Vapor Deposition method (CVD). It allows the forming of various metallized thin films for chip mount and wire bonding.

See the other products
Sumitomo Electric Ltd
optical diamond
optical diamond
DC series

Cu-Diamond (DMCH) is a composite material of diamond and Copper. Although it has thermal expansion coefficient close to that of compound semiconductor material (GaAs and GaN), it has thermal conductivity ...

See the other products
Sumitomo Electric Ltd
boron diamond
boron diamond
ELSC series

... x 4.5 mm Square These electronic-grade, single-crystal diamonds contain <5 ppb nitrogen concentration and typically <0.03 ppb nitrogen-vacancy (NV) concentration. Additionally, the diamonds have a ...

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