Laser linear encoders

5 companies | 5 products
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laser linear encoder
laser linear encoder

Length: 0 m - 60 m
Resolution: 633 nm - 1,000 nm

The HS20 laser system is suitable for use in harsh machine shop environments with ±1.0 part per million (ppm or µm/m) being achievable for axes lengths up to 60 m. Features and benefits Sub-micron resolution ...

incremental linear encoder
incremental linear encoder

Length: 100 mm - 50,000 mm
Resolution: 1 µm - 1,000 µm

... 30V Rackstainless steel Resolution1µm ÷ 1mm OutputIncremental square wave or sinusoidal wave Precision certificate with laser interferometersupplied with the trasducer

incremental linear encoder
incremental linear encoder
GVS 915 series

Length: 640 mm - 30,040 mm
Resolution: 0.5 µm
Process temperature: -20 °C - 70 °C

... or higher on request). Application in various industrial fields such as machine tools, vertical lathes, gantry machines, laser/plasma cutting machines, robotics, automation, etc. Magnetic band on stainless steel support, ...

incremental linear encoder
incremental linear encoder

Laser Encoder LS-10F is an ultra accurate laser measuring device with fiber optic beam guidance designed for submicron measurements of displacements in the range of 0 to 10 meters. The ...

incremental linear encoder
incremental linear encoder

Resolution: 0.5, 1.5, 10, 0.1 µm

FDRF251 Absolute Linear Encoder For hard industrial environments About the FDRF251 Absolute Linear Encoder Absolute Linear Encoders ...

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