- Electricity - Electronics >
- Electronic Component >
- LC electronic filter
LC electronic filters
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Frequency: 2.5 kHz
Voltage: 400 V
Primary current: 62 A
LCL Filter: LCL filter is mainly used to mitigate harmonics on the four-quadrant frequency inverter and feedback part of the power system, to ensure the normal operation of the entire system. Features ...
Frequency: 2.5 kHz
Voltage: 400 V
Primary current: 527 A
LCL Filter: LCL filter is designed to solve Grid-Connection harmonic voltage problem, converting PWM voltage waveform to pure Sine Wave, lower the distortion to power grid. Make sure the whole system ...
Frequency: 315 MHz
Voltage: 6 V
SAW filters are an important component of modern communication systems. This is due to the combination of very good electrical properties with their small dimensions. In addition, SAW filters have more ...
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