Lighting DC/DC converters

5 companies | 6 products
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SMD DC/DC converter
SMD DC/DC converter
K78_T-1000R3 series

Input voltage: 4.75 V - 36 V
Output voltage: 1.5 V - 12 V
Power: 1.5 W - 9.6 W

K78_T-1000R3 series are high efficiency switching regulators. The converters feature high efficiency, low loss and short circuit protectioninacompact SMD package. These products are widely used in applications such as ...

SIP DC/DC converter
SIP DC/DC converter
K78xx-2000R3 series

Input voltage: 4.5 V - 36 V
Output voltage: -15 V - 15 V
Power: 3.6 W - 30 W

K78xx-2000R3 series are high efficiency switching regulators and ideal substitutes of LM78xx series three-terminal linear regulators. Theconverters feature high efficiency, low loss, and there is no need for a heat sink. These products ...

open-frame DC/DC converter
open-frame DC/DC converter

Input voltage: 12 V - 800 V
Output voltage: 12 V - 800 V
Power: 100 W - 200,000 W

We can supply upon request: - DC/DC Regulated Converters of any voltage and power with or without galvanic insulation - Cathodic Protection Power Supplies, supplied in monophase, ...

front end DC/DC converter
front end DC/DC converter
PFB750-300S series

Input voltage: 300 V
Output voltage: 7.2 V - 52.8 V
Power: 748.8, 750 W

... offering enabling high voltage input from AC/DC front end circuit or high voltage DC bus. Due to high voltage input range, market leading power density and base plate cooling, the PFB750-300S Series converters ...

19" rack DC/DC converter
Subrack - Sierra 10 - 48/230

Input voltage: 48 V - 230 V
Output voltage: 48 V - 230 V
Power: 1,200 W - 4,800 W

... all-in-one solution including the Sierra 10 - 48/230 power converters, Inview S Slot monitoring and AC & DC bulk outputs in only 1U high. The system is single-phase and designed for 48 Vdc (DC ...

bidirectional DC/DC converter
bidirectional DC/DC converter
EPC 3k5 648i

Input voltage: 48 V
Output voltage: 600 V
Power: 3,500 W

... bidirectional DC/DC Converters. EPCs (Epic Power Converters) are suitable for a large number of applications ranging from industrial ones to those in the field of renewable ...

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