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- Linear array detector
Linear array detectors
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16 element array capable of detecting up to 5 μm band The P15742 series is one-dimensional InAsSb photovoltaic detector array in a ceramic DIP (dual inline package). ...
Series of TDI-based X-ray line cameras optimized for demanding industrial environments. The X-Scan T01 series is a product family of TDI (Time Delay Integration) technology-based X-ray line cameras ...
... Refractive Index Detector offers unparalleled performance. The low-dispersion fluidics were designed to match the performance needed for narrow UPLC peaks while still delivering stable baseline performance, low noise, ...
FID - Flame Ionization Detector Hydrocarbon selective Robust, linear, stable Detects down to 1ppm Unique ceramic ignitor can run hot continuously to keep flame lit The flame ionization detector ...
The XR-100CR is a high performance x-ray detector, preamplifier, and cooler system using a thermoelectrically cooled Si-PIN photodiode as an x-ray detector. Also mounted on the 2-stage cooler are the ...
... semiconductor arrays can be used for Gamma-ray imaging using large area pixelated arrays. BSI is prepared to design, fabricate and equip with suitable electronics and software to meet customer requirements. ...
The new linear heat detection system enables long and heavily fragmented facilities such as traffic and supply tunnels, cable routes and conveyor belts as well as large-scale buildings such as production halls, cold stores ...
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