Loss-in-weight feeders for the pharmaceutical industry

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2 companies | 4 products
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powder loss-in-weight feeder
powder loss-in-weight feeder

Power: 90, 120, 180 W

- Feeder ideal for difficult flowing, sticky or floodable bulk ingredients at low feed rates - Separate screw and agitator motors (3 phase AC gear motors), except models MT and DDSR20 - Interchangeable screws and screw tubes allowing ...

gravimetric loss-in-weight feeder
gravimetric loss-in-weight feeder

Power: 120, 550 W

- Stainless steel hopper with stirring - agitator for consistent screw filling and mass flow of ingredient - Separate screw and agitator motors (3 phase AC gear motors), - except model DSR28 - Interchangeable screws and screw tubes ...

gravimetric loss-in-weight feeder
gravimetric loss-in-weight feeder
MiniTwin MT 2.0 series

Power: 180 W

- Small-size twin screw feeder for powders or rotary tube feeder for pellets and fine-grained media - Feed rates as low as a few grams per hour - High-tech weighing system with digital load cell DigiMASS-2 for high weighing accuracy Power ...

battery cell production loss-in-weight feeder
battery cell production loss-in-weight feeder

Flexible, safe and clean: Feeder for battery cell production Qlar goes Battery - with the new loss-in-weight feeder CS+. On this page, you will find all the important information about the new feeder for battery cell production. Highest ...

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