Machinery coordinate measuring machines

3 companies | 3 products
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{{#each product.featureValues}} {{content}} {{/each}}
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computer-controlled coordinate measuring machine
computer-controlled coordinate measuring machine

X travel: 50 m
Y travel: 50 m
Z travel: 50 m

The Q2 Laser RADAR is a precise tool for measuring large parts. It works both automatically and manually. It's portable and designed for tough environments. It features 65 channels and a micro scanner for detailed data. ...

manually-controlled coordinate measuring machine
manually-controlled coordinate measuring machine

Y travel: 0 mm - 2,500 mm
Z travel: 0 mm - 4,000 mm

VENTURA Horizontal Arm Machines: Our Flagship CMMs With the measuring machines family VENTURA and VENTURA CNC you get to know the flagships of our measuring machine ...

manually-controlled coordinate measuring machine
manually-controlled coordinate measuring machine

X travel: 500 mm
Y travel: 500 mm - 800 mm
Z travel: 400 mm

CMM-M series Manual Coordinate Measuring machine is extensively used in the field of machinery, automobile, aviation, metal and high precision tool manufacturing. It ...

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