Magnetic chip removers

3 companies | 4 products
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magnetic chip remover
magnetic chip remover

... sorting magnet is preferably used for separating of bulk material and lifting of small parts such as bolts, nuts, nails or chips. Applications - For holding of small parts Features - Cost-effective - ...

magnetic chip remover
magnetic chip remover

... are also chips. Metal chips in particular are not only sharp-edged, but also hot and greasy - three reasons why these potentially dangerous traces should be removed quickly and thoroughly after each drilling ...

magnetic chip remover
magnetic chip remover

The PP1 chips collector is used for the rapid collection of shavings and other metal parts, for cleaning the workplace, the machine or for the collection of metal parts from waste or ash. The collected metal parts are ...

magnetic chip remover
magnetic chip remover

The terrain cleaning magnets GRM-XL are used to clean open-air site, traffic areas and large-scale industrial buildings from metal parts lying around. Take dangerous items such as shavings, nails, screws, stamping parts and so on, thus ...

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