Magnetic ground clamps

4 companies | 6 products
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magnetic ground clamp
magnetic ground clamp
Q.Crodile Magnet X1

Approved and reliable grounding clamps are characterised by high clamping forces, and penetrate through the existing insulating layers such as dirt, grease and paint. This establishes ...

magnetic ground clamp
magnetic ground clamp
Q.Crodile Magnet X2

Approved and reliable grounding clamps are characterised by high clamping forces, and penetrate through the existing insulating layers such as dirt, grease and paint. This establishes ...

magnetic ground clamp
magnetic ground clamp
Q.Crodile CF-Magnet X2

Approved and reliable grounding clamps are characterised by high clamping forces, and penetrate through the existing insulating layers such as dirt, grease and paint. This establishes ...

magnetic ground clamp
magnetic ground clamp

[Application] Capable of connecting earth terminals on a wide variety of faces. [Features] A high performance permanent magnet is used for easy mounting and dismounting by one-touch operation.

magnetic ground clamp
magnetic ground clamp

This magnetic ground clamp is an ideal helper for electric arc welding. Magnetic Welding Ground Clamps, Magnetic ...

magnetic ground clamp
magnetic ground clamp

Power through your grounding applications! Start grounding instantly! The PowerBase™ Grounding Magnet sets up quickly and easily. Powerful rare earth magnet delivers heavy duty ...

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