Magnetic reclosers

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Magnetic reclosers | Choosing the Right Circuit Breaker
A circuit breaker is an essential safety device for any piece of equipment or network through which an electric current flows. Quite simply it will, as the name indicates, break the circuit and stop the current flowing if it detects any dangerous anomalous current, voltage, or temperature levels in the circuit. Generally, in an industrial context, electricity passes through a circuit-breaker box where it is divided into several circuits. Each of these circuits...
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compact recloser
compact recloser

Primary current: 12,500, 6,300 A
VAC: 38, 27 kV
Rating: 630, 800 A

The Compact Modular Recloser (CMR) takes a new approach to overhead distribution protection. Its unique design provides fundamental protection and monitoring capabilities for single and multi-phase applications equipped ...

magnetic recloser
magnetic recloser

Primary current: 800, 630 A
VAC: 15.5, 38, 27 kV

... Solid Automatic Circuit Reclosers(EPRIS/EPR-1, EPR-2, EPR-3) are designed for the application in overhead line and substation for voltage classes up to 15kV, 27kV, and 38kV. The operating mechanism uses a permanent ...

magnetic recloser
magnetic recloser

Primary current: 600, 1,250 A

... Configurations: • Triple-Single Automatic Circuit Recloser • Three-Phase Gang-Operated • Outdoor Switching Module The outdoor switching module is designed for use as an automatic circuit recloser, ...

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